Friday, January 4, 2008


Finally, My sister can leave me alone about this blog! My mom has left Brooklyn. I have now been in NYC for 4 whole days and I think I'm going to love it!!! I was able to find a perfect apartment via Internet and phone only. I love to accomplish things that completely stress me out. Wow, a lot of things stress me out! ;) My roommate and I are getting along well. I think we are going to have a marvelous time while meeting many new, crazy individuals. We will be definitely be trying to stay extra warm when doing so, though.

There is still so much to see, to start work, and to find an awesome church with some great people and/ or guys to keep me sane or to at least quit thinking about unnecessary thoughts.

I already miss my dog and Jadon ( my nephew that loves me the most in the world ), but I will stand strong until they visit me with their smiling faces.

I thank God that he has brought me here not only for giving me a break from school, but also showing me what He has meant for my life.

More pictures and comments soon........

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Love it, love it, love it! Just a little feedback: Why in the heck is each pic posted as a separate entry??? and could you please turn the pics around, before you post them, so I don't have to turn my head sideways to see them? ;) Thanks so much! You're most awesome and cool seester, Andrea A.K.A. Jadon's Mommy

BTW...miss you ;)